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Donate Your Charity Rewards to WOA Bay Area!

Hello Members!


April was VOLUNTEER MONTH.  Many of us logged our volunteer hours and should see an email with the

Subject “You gave time. We give thanks.”   Donate your Charity Rewards thru June 12.


This email is your charity rewards notification.



Open the email and click on the link for CHARITY REWARD SITE


  1. Once on the site, Select Add a Charity

  2. New Screen will Launch: “Find Eligible Charity”, Enter the Tax ID number: 22-3516036

    No need to enter State and City

  3. New Screen with Launch with the charity name: Women of AT&T - EIN: 22-3516036 (Make sure to check and confirm correct EIN number populates)

  4. Select the Charity to launch the next screen

  5. You cannot split this reward between multiple charities. In order to identify our chapter, Select DESIGNATION ‘OTHER’

  6. Enter WOA – Bay Area Chapter (Scholarship or Programs) and share your name and email.

  7. Select REDEEM to complete the transaction.


We appreciate your volunteering efforts and Thank You for your donation to WOA-Bay Area chapter!

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